Discover our agrivoltaic sites

Our methodology and current research projects to develop agri-energy in France are as follows

Our demonstrators enable us to analyze the impact of our solutions on crops and animals. Among these sites, we pilot agrivoltaic systems equipped with solar panels placed above the crops, in order to bring the right amount of light to the plants and create the ideal microclimate for their healthy growth. The results obtained enable us to improve the design of our projects under development and optimize their positive contribution at farm and regional level.

13 demonstrators throughout France

Focus on our demonstrators

Le Channay
Site agrivoltaïque Le Channay “Nous sommes de plus en plus exposés aux sécheresses, avec des épisodes...
Site agrivoltaïque de Valpuiseaux “Ce démonstrateur est la preuve qu’en fédérant tous les acteurs de...
Site agrivoltaïque d’Apt “J’attends de la solution Ombrea qu’elle m’aide à améliorer la qualité...
Site agrivoltaïque de Rians “On arrive à retrouver une maturité de la grappe de raisins comme dans le...

Our research projects and publications

Ecophysiological models are being developed by our Data Lab to better understand the impact of our shading systems on crops. This work is based in particular on the STICS model developed by INRAE, a simplified version of which - pySTICS - has been adapted to agrivoltaics by the Ombrea Data Lab. Models operating on a finer scale than the plot, called FSPM (Functional-Structural Plant Model), are also being developed to study various indicators describing crop development on a single scale (at plant or even leaf level), such as evapotranspiration or leaf temperature.