Agriculture and sustainable development: practices to adopt

Agriculturewith land occupying around two-thirds two-thirds of the national territoryhas an important role to play in the management of natural resources and the preservation of life itself, which is its main resource. Indeed, this strategic sector has a strong influence on regional planningrural economic development and, of course, the food sector.

Agricultural practices play an essential role in preserving biodiversity biodiversity and natural spaces. They have many positive aspects, such as maintaining meadows and preserving crop biodiversity.

To help reduce our carbon footprint and adapt to climate change, the development of sustainable agriculture is one of the major objectives of the French Ministry of Agriculture. Agro-ecology, agrivoltaics, organic farming : discover innovative solutions and practices for a more environmentally-friendly agriculture.

The challenges of developing sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture aims to reconcile the economic, social and environmental dimensions of agriculturemeeting current and future food requirements while preserving natural resources and biodiversity.

However, agriculture is threatened by soil artificialisation and the reduction in the area of farmland. What's more, the sector is a major emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in France, while also suffering the effects of climate change, which are increasingly visible in our country.

To reduce some of the harmful effects of agriculture on the environment, it is essential to develop a form of agriculture that is respectful of ecosystems and living beings.

Farming practices that promote sustainable development

The research studies carried out by ADEME have revealed real potential for improving the environmental performance of the agricultural sector. Several fundamental principles have been put forward, at production system level, covering a range of key practices for preserving the climate, soil and air:

  • Crop diversification and rotation, reduce the risk of pest invasion and optimize the use of mineral and organic resources;
  • Increasing the productive autonomy of livestock farms, by increasing the proportion of grass and legumes in animal feed and improving manure management;
  • The development of agro-ecological infrastructures (permanent grasslands, hedges, agroforestry, etc.), necessary for ecosystem regulation and sustainability;
  • The use of alternative techniques to chemical inputsThe implementation of alternative techniques to chemical inputs, such as biological pest control (introduction of predators, mating disruption, etc.).

In correlation with these action pillars, agricultural practices can be adopted for more sustainable agriculture.


This approach aims to care for of agricultural ecosystems and natural resources using natural mechanisms for production. It is based on several principles of action, such as the development of soil cover, protection of biodiversitynitrogen fixation through the cultivation of leguminous plants, energy production energy production from biomass, and agroforestry agroforestry.

The agro-ecological projectinitiated in 2012, was integrated into the the government's action plan for ecological transition in 2015by considering ecosystems as key elements of production. This approach highlights a positive vision of environmental performance.

Conservation agriculture

Conservation agriculture is a way way of managing farms with the aim of preserving with the aim of preserving and improving soil health. It aims to maintain crop productivity, while limiting soil erosion and protecting the environment. This approach is based on three key concepts:

  • Minimal soil disturbance caused by ploughing and other tillage operations. This preserves soil structure and reduces erosion;
  • Constant soil cover using cover crops, crop residues and green manures. This plant cover protects the soil, improves water quality and promotes biodiversity;
  • Crop rotation to improve soil quality, reduce pests and diseases and increase crop productivity.


Agrivoltaics is a method that combines the production of photovoltaic solar energy and agriculture (crops or livestock), on a single plot of land. This approach aims to optimize land use by combining two complementary activities for farmers.

In an agrivoltaic cultivation systemsolar panels are installed on elevated structures, allowing the light and water needed for crop growth to pass through. The solar panels can be oriented to optimize energy production, while minimizing crop shading.

Agrivoltaics makes it possible to produce renewable energy and farming on the same plot of land. What's more, it offers farmers an additional source of income, thanks to the from the sale of electricity generated by photovoltaic panels and can also provide climatic protection for crops.

At Ombreawe offer a variety of agrivoltaic technologies to meet your farming needs.

If you're thinking of getting into agrivoltaics, contact us to find out more about our solutions!

Sustainable water management

Agriculture is one of the world's biggest water consumers, accounting for some 70% of the world's freshwater withdrawals. In this context, it is essential to implement more efficient irrigation practices and preserve water resources for sustainable agriculture.

The sustainable water management in agriculture means, for example, optimizing water use efficiency. This can be improved by reducing the phenomenon ofevapotranspiration thus reducing water stress and increasing soil fertility.

Recycling agricultural waste

Agricultural waste is a major source of pollution and greenhouse gases. However, it can also be a valuable resource for the production ofrenewable energy and natural fertilizers. There are a number of ways in which agricultural waste can be recycled:

  • Methanization: organic waste can be transformed into biogas through an anaerobic fermentation process. The biogas is then used to produce electricity, heat or fuel;
  • Composting Organic waste is transformed into a natural fertilizer rich in soil nutrients;
  • Biofuel production Certain agricultural waste products, such as crop residues, can be used to produce biofuels such as ethanol or biodiesel.

Organic farming

Reducing the use of synthetic plant protection products is a key objective of sustainable agriculture. By avoiding the use of these products, organic farming systems preserve water quality and reduce nitrogen consumption.

The French Ministry of Agriculture supports the organic farming sector and the Fédération nationale de l'agriculture biologique in the development of organic farming in water catchment areas, within the political framework of the Organic Agriculture, Water Protection and Territories program.

These sustainable practices can be implemented at different levels, from the farm to public policy. The commitment of all players is necessary for a transition to more sustainable agriculture.

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